2 "name": "SpaceFactoryNetworking",
4 "summary": "A networking library on top of NSURLSession",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/daltonclaybrook/SpaceFactoryNetworking",
11 "Dalton Claybrook": "daltonclaybrook@gmail.com"
13 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/daltonclaybrook",
18 "git": "https://github.com/daltonclaybrook/SpaceFactoryNetworking.git",
21 "source_files": "SpaceFactoryNetworking/Core/**/*.{h,m}",
22 "public_header_files": "SpaceFactoryNetworking/Core/Public Headers/**/*.h",
24 "description": " # SpaceFactoryNetworking\n\n***\n\nA collection of classes useful for fetching and persisting file data. Built on top of **NSURLSession**.\n\n## Features\n\n***\n\n- Download data directly to disk from an **NSURL** or **NSURLRequest**.\n- Files continue to download when the app is suspended.\n- Data is automatically moved to persistent storage on disk.\n- Data can be encrypted using standard iOS disk encryption.\n- If protected file access is unavailable, data is queued for encryption at a later date.\n- Specify a disk size limit in bytes. If data on disk exceeds this limit, specific files are chosen and evicted using a combination of the file's **last access date** and **file size**.\n- Specify an **identifier** when fetching a file. This identifier can be used to check for the existence of a file on disk, or to evict a file.\n- Specify an optional **file group** for each file to associate it with other files.\n- Initiate a manual eviction of a file with an **identifier** and **file group**, evict all files in a **file group**, or evict the entire disk cache.\n- Ignore the results of a currently running fetch operation. This uninstalls the completion handler, but continues downloading the file.\n- If a fetch is in progress, and another fetch is initiated for the same resource, the second completion handler is installed on the currently running fetch, preventing duplicate data.\n- Inject existing data to be persisted by the file manager.\n- **Image Manager** uses a **file manager** to fetch / persist image data specifically.\n\n## Usage\n\n***\n\nInitialization & Configuration:\n\n self.fileManager = [[SFSFileManager alloc] init];\n self.fileManager.usesEncryptionByDefault = YES;\n self.fileManager.diskSizeLimit = 512 * 1024 * 1024; // 512 MB\n \nSimplest Fetch:\n\n NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@\"http://placekitten/600/500\"];\n [self.fileManager fetchFileDataAtURL:url withCompletion:^(NSURL *fileURL, NSError *error) {\n \n // data fetched using '[url absoluteString]' as the identifier \n // and 'SFSFileManagerDefaultFileGroup' as the file group\n //\n // \n }];\n \nComplex Fetch:\n\n NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@\"http://myapi.com/users\"];\n NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];\n [request setValue:<#auth string#> forHTTPHeaderField:@\"Authorization\"];\n \n NSString *myIdentifier = @\"12345\";\n NSString *myGroup = @\"userDataGroup\";\n \n __typeof__(self) __weak weakSelf = self;\n id<SFSTask> task = [self.fileManager fetchFileDataForRequest:request usingIdentifier:myIdentifier fileGroup:myGroup usingDiskEncryption:YES withCompletion:^(NSURL *fileURL, NSError *error) {\n \n [weakSelf useFileAtURL:fileURL error:error];\n }];\n \n // Some time later...\n \n if ([task isRunning])\n {\n [task ignoreResults]; //will cause the above completion block to not be called, but will not cancel the request.\n // or\n [task cancelRequest];\n }\n \nImage Manager:\n\n self.imageManager = [[SFSImageManager alloc] initWithFileManager:nil]; \n // causes a file manager to be created for you.\n \n NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@\"http://placekitten/600/500\"];\n \n __typeof__(self) __weak weakSelf = self;\n [self.imageManager fetchImageAtURL:url withCompletion:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error) {\n \n // completion is executed on the main thread.\n weakSelf.imageView.image = image;\n }];\n \n## Integration\n\n*** \n\nBy far, the easiest way to integrate **SpaceFactoryNetworking** is using [CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org):\n\n # Example Podfile\n pod 'SpaceFactoryNetworking'\n \nOtherwise, you can clone this repo, and import files from the **'SpaceFactoryNetworking/Core'** folder.\n\n## Collaborate\n\n***\n\nYou are welcome to submit pull requests to this project. If you are considering doing so, please reach out to me at [daltonclaybrook@gmail.com](mailto:daltonclaybrook@gmail.com). I'd like to touch base.\n\n##### Potential additions:\n\n- Unit Tests (much needed)\n- More screens in the **Example app** to demonstrate functionality\n- Callbacks to report progress on a download\n\n##### Known Issues:\n\n- File access may not fail gracefully if the protected file is accessed while the app is in the background and the device is locked.\n\n"