2 "name": "MEReactiveFoundation",
5 "William Towe": "willbur1984@gmail.com"
11 "homepage": "https://github.com/TeamMaestro/MEReactiveFoundation",
13 "git": "https://github.com/TeamMaestro/MEReactiveFoundation.git",
16 "summary": "A collection of classes that extend the Foundation collection classes with functionality found in functional languages.",
17 "description": "A collection of classes that extend the Foundation collection classes with functionality found in functional languages (e.g. Haskell). Examples include: map, filter, find, fold, zip, unzip, and concat. Compatible with iOS/OSX, 7.0+/10.9+.",
23 "frameworks": "Foundation",
25 "MEReactiveFoundation",
26 "MEReactiveFoundation/Private"
28 "private_header_files": "MEReactiveFoundation/Private"