4 "summary": "CDAKit for iOS, the Open Source Clinical Document Architecture Library with HealthKit Connectivity.",
5 "description": "Swift framework port of the the Ruby Health-Data-Standards GEM's C32 and C-CDA import and export functionality. Allows for bridging between CDA and HealthKit so you can integrate with an Electronic Medical Records system.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ewhitley/CDAKit",
9 "Eric Whitley": "cdakit@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/ewhitley/CDAKit.git",
15 "documentation_url": "http://ewhitley.github.io/CDAKit",
20 "source_files": "CDAKit/**/*.swift",
23 "CDAKit/**/*.mustache",
24 "CDAKit/**/CDAKitDefaultHealthKitTermMap.plist",
25 "CDAKit/**/CDAKitDefaultSampleTypeIdentifierSettings.plist"
28 "frameworks": "HealthKit",