4 "summary": "The most comprehensive and accurate collection of astronomical algorithms in Swift.",
5 "description": "SwiftAA aims to provide the most comprehensive collection of accurate astronomical algorithms in Swift.\nThat is, based on the reference textbook \"Astronomical Algorithms\" by Jean Meeus, SwiftAA provides modern\nAPIs about all things astronomical. It is based on the C++ layer developed since many years by J.P. Naughter.\nSwiftAA is built upon this C++ layer, with an intermediate Objectice-C layer (respecting strictly the lower APIs),\non top of which modern and expressive API is crafted. It is also a lote more covered by Unit Tests, in order\nto become the most reliable source of astronomical computations.",
6 "homepage": "https://www.onekilopars.ec/swiftaa",
9 "file": "MIT-LICENSE.txt"
12 "onekiloparsec (a.k.a. CeĢdric Foellmi)": "cedric@onekilopars.ec"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/onekiloparsec",
20 "git": "https://github.com/onekiloparsec/SwiftAA.git",
25 "SwiftAA/**/*.{h,m,mm,swift}",
27 "ObjCAA/**/*.{h,m,mm,swift}",
29 "aaplus-*/**/*.{h,cpp}"
32 "aaplus-*/AATest.cpp",
35 "public_header_files": [
39 "frameworks": "Foundation",
40 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.0"