[Add] FCVideo 3.2.21
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 6 / 5 / a / Vdopia-SDK-All_2.5.0.1 / / Vdopia-SDK-All_2.5.0.1.podspec.json
2   "name": "Vdopia-SDK-All_2.5.0.1",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "A vdopiasdk mobile advertising sdk",
5   "description": "vdopia mobile advertising SDK gives developers a fast and convenient way to monetize their apps.",
6   "license": {
7     "type": "MIT",
8     "text": "Copyright 2012\nPermission is granted to...\n"
9   },
10   "homepage": "http://www.vdopia.com/mobile/",
11   "authors": "Team",
12   "platforms": {
13     "ios": "8.0"
14   },
15   "source": {
16     "git": "https://bitbucket.org/vdopia/sdkdistribution.git",
17     "tag": ""
18   },
19   "resources": "**/*.{txt,js}",
20   "source_files": [
21     "**/*.{h,m}",
22     "**/*.{txt,js}"
23   ],
24   "public_header_files": "**/*.h",
25   "ios": {
26     "frameworks": [
27       "AdSupport",
28       "AudioToolbox",
29       "AVFoundation",
30       "CFNetwork",
31       "CoreBluetooth",
32       "CoreFoundation",
33       "CoreGraphics",
34       "CoreLocation",
35       "CoreMedia",
36       "CoreTelephony",
37       "EventKit",
38       "EventKitUI",
39       "Foundation",
40       "iAd",
41       "MapKit",
42       "MediaPlayer",
43       "MediaToolbox",
44       "MessageUI",
45       "MobileCoreServices",
46       "QuartzCore",
47       "SafariServices",
48       "Security",
49       "Social",
50       "SystemConfiguration",
51       "UIKit",
52       "WebKit",
53       "AVKit",
54       "Twitter",
55       "CoreData",
56       "ImageIO"
57     ],
58     "resources": "**/*.{xib,png}"
59   },
60   "vendored_libraries": "liblibrary_vdopia.a",
61   "vendored_frameworks": [
62     "VDPMoatMobileAppKit.framework",
63     "AppLovinSDK.framework"
64   ],
65   "dependencies": {
66     "InMobiSDK": [
67       "~> 6.0.0"
68     ],
69     "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK": [
70       " ~> 7.19.0"
71     ],
72     "FBAudienceNetwork": [
73       "~> 4.12.0"
74     ],
75     "VungleSDK-iOS": [
76       "~> 4.0.4"
77     ],
78     "GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK": [
79       "~> 3.5.1"
80     ],
81     "AdColony": [
82       "~> 3.1"
83     ],
84     "UnityAds": [
85       "~> 2.1"
86     ],
87     "TapjoySDK": [
88       "~> 11.10.2"
89     ],
90     "ChartboostSDK": [
91       "~> 6.6"
92     ]
93   },
94   "requires_arc": true