[Add] FCVideo 3.2.21
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / 3 / 5 / themis / 0.13.10 / themis.podspec.json
2   "name": "themis",
3   "version": "0.13.10",
4   "summary": "Data security library for network communication and data storage for iOS and mac OS",
5   "description": "Themis is a convenient cryptographic library for data protection. It provides secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Themis is aimed at modern development practices and has a unified API across 12 platforms, including iOS/macOS, Ruby, JavaScript, Python, and Java/Android.",
6   "homepage": "https://cossacklabs.com",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "Apache 2.0"
9   },
10   "source": {
11     "git": "https://github.com/cossacklabs/themis.git",
12     "tag": "0.13.10"
13   },
14   "authors": {
15     "cossacklabs": "info@cossacklabs.com"
16   },
17   "module_name": "themis",
18   "default_subspecs": "openssl-1.1.1",
19   "platforms": {
20     "ios": "10.0",
21     "osx": "10.11"
22   },
23   "ios": {
24     "frameworks": [
25       "UIKit",
26       "Foundation"
27     ]
28   },
29   "subspecs": [
30     {
31       "name": "openssl-1.1.1",
32       "dependencies": {
33         "CLOpenSSL-XCF": [
34           "1.1.11101"
35         ]
36       },
37       "ios": {
38         "pod_target_xcconfig": {
39           "OTHER_CFLAGS[config=Debug]": "$(inherited) -fembed-bitcode-marker",
40           "OTHER_CFLAGS[config=Release]": "$(inherited) -fembed-bitcode",
41           "BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE[config=Release]": "bitcode",
42           "BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE[config=Debug]": "bitcode-marker"
43         },
44         "xcconfig": {
45           "OTHER_CFLAGS": "-DLIBRESSL",
46           "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
47           "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C\"",
49         }
50       },
51       "osx": {
52         "xcconfig": {
53           "OTHER_CFLAGS": "-DLIBRESSL",
54           "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
55           "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C\"",
57         }
58       },
59       "subspecs": [
60         {
61           "name": "core",
62           "source_files": [
63             "src/themis/*.{c,h}",
64             "src/soter/*.{c,h}",
65             "src/soter/ed25519/*.{c,h}",
66             "src/soter/openssl/*.{c,h}"
67           ],
68           "header_dir": "src",
69           "header_mappings_dir": "src",
70           "private_header_files": [
71             "src/themis/*.h",
72             "src/soter/*.h",
73             "src/soter/ed25519/*.h",
74             "src/soter/openssl/*.h"
75           ]
76         },
77         {
78           "name": "objcwrapper",
79           "dependencies": {
80             "themis/openssl-1.1.1/core": [
82             ]
83           },
84           "source_files": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis/*.{m,h}",
85           "header_dir": "objcthemis",
86           "header_mappings_dir": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis",
87           "public_header_files": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis/*.h"
88         }
89       ]
90     },
91     {
92       "name": "themis-openssl",
93       "ios": {
94         "pod_target_xcconfig": {
95           "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
96         },
97         "user_target_xcconfig": {
98           "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
99         },
100         "xcconfig": {
101           "OTHER_CFLAGS": "-DLIBRESSL",
102           "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
103           "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C\"",
105         }
106       },
107       "osx": {
108         "pod_target_xcconfig": {
109           "EXCLUDED_ARCHS": "arm64"
110         },
111         "user_target_xcconfig": {
112           "EXCLUDED_ARCHS": "arm64"
113         },
114         "xcconfig": {
115           "OTHER_CFLAGS": "-DLIBRESSL",
116           "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
117           "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C\"",
119         }
120       },
121       "dependencies": {
122         "GRKOpenSSLFramework": [
123           ""
124         ]
125       },
126       "subspecs": [
127         {
128           "name": "core",
129           "source_files": [
130             "src/themis/*.{h,c}",
131             "src/soter/*.{c,h}",
132             "src/soter/ed25519/*.{c,h}",
133             "src/soter/openssl/*.{c,h}"
134           ],
135           "header_mappings_dir": "src",
136           "header_dir": "src",
137           "preserve_paths": [
138             "src/themis/*.h",
139             "src/soter/*.h",
140             "src/soter/ed25519/*.h",
141             "src/soter/openssl/*.h"
142           ],
143           "private_header_files": [
144             "src/themis/*.h",
145             "src/soter/*.h",
146             "src/soter/ed25519/*.h",
147             "src/soter/openssl/*.h"
148           ]
149         },
150         {
151           "name": "objcwrapper",
152           "header_mappings_dir": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis",
153           "source_files": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis/*.{m,h}",
154           "public_header_files": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis/*.h",
155           "header_dir": "objcthemis",
156           "dependencies": {
157             "themis/themis-openssl/core": [
159             ]
160           }
161         }
162       ]
163     },
164     {
165       "name": "themis-boringssl",
166       "dependencies": {
167         "BoringSSL": [
168           "~> 10.0"
169         ]
170       },
171       "ios": {
172         "xcconfig": {
174           "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
175           "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C\"",
177         }
178       },
179       "osx": {
180         "xcconfig": {
182           "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
183           "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/themis/src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C\"",
185         }
186       },
187       "subspecs": [
188         {
189           "name": "core",
190           "source_files": [
191             "src/themis/*.{h,c}",
192             "src/soter/*.{c,h}",
193             "src/soter/ed25519/*.{c,h}",
194             "src/soter/boringssl/*.{c,h}"
195           ],
196           "header_mappings_dir": "src",
197           "header_dir": "src",
198           "preserve_paths": [
199             "src/themis/*.h",
200             "src/soter/*.h",
201             "src/soter/ed25519/*.h",
202             "src/soter/boringssl/*.h"
203           ],
204           "private_header_files": [
205             "src/themis/*.h",
206             "src/soter/*.h",
207             "src/soter/ed25519/*.h",
208             "src/soter/boringssl/*.h"
209           ]
210         },
211         {
212           "name": "objcwrapper",
213           "header_mappings_dir": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis",
214           "source_files": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis/*.{m,h}",
215           "public_header_files": "src/wrappers/themis/Obj-C/objcthemis/*.h",
216           "header_dir": "objcthemis",
217           "dependencies": {
218             "themis/themis-boringssl/core": [
220             ]
221           }
222         }
223       ]
224     }
225   ]