[Add] FCVideo 3.2.21
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / 3 / c / FayeCpp / 0.1.9 / FayeCpp.podspec.json
2   "name": "FayeCpp",
3   "version": "0.1.9",
4   "summary": "Faye C++ client with Objective-C client wrapper.",
5   "description": "Faye C++ client with Objective-C client wrapper. \nLibrary created with Pure C++ (features provided by Standard C++), without heavy STL and C++11 features.\nYou can use Objective-C wrapper or C++ client directly.\n",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/OlehKulykov/FayeCpp",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Oleh Kulykov": "info@resident.name"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/OlehKulykov/FayeCpp.git",
16     "tag": "0.1.9",
17     "submodules": "true"
18   },
19   "platforms": {
20     "ios": "5.0"
21   },
22   "public_header_files": [
23     "fayecpp.h",
24     "contrib/objc/FayeCppClient.h"
25   ],
26   "source_files": [
27     "contrib/objc/*.{h,mm}",
28     "fayecpp.h",
29     "builds/ios/*.{h}",
30     "src/*.{h,cpp}",
31     "jansson/src/*.{h,c}",
32     "libwebsockets/lib/*.{h}",
33     "libwebsockets/lib/base64-decode.c",
34     "libwebsockets/lib/client-handshake.c",
35     "libwebsockets/lib/client-parser.c",
36     "libwebsockets/lib/client.c",
37     "libwebsockets/lib/context.c",
38     "libwebsockets/lib/extension-deflate-frame.c",
39     "libwebsockets/lib/extension-deflate-stream.c",
40     "libwebsockets/lib/extension.c",
41     "libwebsockets/lib/getifaddrs.c",
42     "libwebsockets/lib/handshake.c",
43     "libwebsockets/lib/libwebsockets.c",
44     "libwebsockets/lib/lws-plat-unix.c",
45     "libwebsockets/lib/output.c",
46     "libwebsockets/lib/parsers.c",
47     "libwebsockets/lib/pollfd.c",
48     "libwebsockets/lib/service.c",
49     "libwebsockets/lib/sha-1.c",
50     "libwebsockets/lib/alloc.c"
51   ],
52   "resources": "contrib/objc/FayeCpp.bundle",
53   "compiler_flags": [
55     "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1",
56     "-DCMAKE_BUILD=1",
58   ],
59   "xcconfig": {
60     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/FayeCpp/contrib/objc\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/FayeCpp/libwebsockets/lib\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/FayeCpp/jansson/src\""
61   },
62   "libraries": [
63     "z",
64     "stdc++"
65   ],
66   "frameworks": "CoreFoundation",
67   "requires_arc": false