[Add] FCVideo 3.2.21
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / e / 0 / a / FPPicker / 4.1.0 / FPPicker.podspec.json
2   "name": "FPPicker",
3   "version": "4.1.0",
4   "summary": "SDK to access Filepicker.io API",
5   "description": "    Filepicker helps developers connect with all the data sources they might have.\n    This is an SDK that lets developers easily add a bunch of cloud file handling features without coding.\n",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/Ink/ios-picker/",
7   "screenshots": "https://github.com/Ink/ios-picker/raw/develop/Docs/filepicker.png",
8   "license": {
9     "type": "MIT",
10     "file": "LICENSE.md"
11   },
12   "authors": {
13     "Filepicker.io": "contact@filepicker.io"
14   },
15   "source": {
16     "git": "https://github.com/Ink/ios-picker.git",
17     "tag": "v4.1.0"
18   },
19   "platforms": {
20     "ios": "8.0",
21     "osx": "10.9"
22   },
23   "ios": {
24     "prefix_header_file": "Resources-iOS/FPPicker-Prefix.pch",
25     "public_header_files": [
26       "FPPicker/Platforms/iOS/FPPicker.h",
27       "FPPicker/Platforms/iOS/FPPickerController.h",
28       "FPPicker/Platforms/iOS/FPSaveController.h",
29       "FPPicker/Shared/FPExternalHeaders.h",
30       "FPPicker/Shared/FPConfig.h",
31       "FPPicker/Shared/FPConstants.h",
32       "FPPicker/Shared/FPMediaInfo.h"
33     ],
34     "source_files": [
35       "FPPicker/Shared/*.{h,m}",
36       "FPPicker/Platforms/iOS/*.{h,m}"
37     ],
38     "frameworks": [
39       "AssetsLibrary",
40       "CoreFoundation",
41       "CoreGraphics",
42       "MobileCoreServices",
43       "QuartzCore",
44       "SystemConfiguration"
45     ],
46     "dependencies": {
47       "MBProgressHUD": [
48         "~> 0.9"
49       ]
50     },
51     "resource_bundles": {
52       "FPPicker": "Resources-Shared/*.*"
53     }
54   },
55   "osx": {
56     "prefix_header_file": "Resources-Mac/FPPicker-Mac-Prefix.pch",
57     "public_header_files": [
58       "FPPicker/Platforms/Mac/FPPickerMac.h",
59       "FPPicker/Platforms/Mac/FPPickerController.h",
60       "FPPicker/Platforms/Mac/FPSaveController.h",
61       "FPPicker/Shared/FPExternalHeaders.h",
62       "FPPicker/Shared/FPConfig.h",
63       "FPPicker/Shared/FPConstants.h",
64       "FPPicker/Shared/FPMediaInfo.h"
65     ],
66     "source_files": [
67       "FPPicker/Shared/*.{h,m}",
68       "FPPicker/Platforms/Mac/*.{h,m}"
69     ],
70     "frameworks": [
71       "WebKit",
72       "Quartz"
73     ],
74     "resource_bundles": {
75       "FPPicker": "Resources-Shared/*.*",
76       "FPPickerMac": "Resources-Mac/*.*"
77     }
78   },
79   "dependencies": {
80     "AFNetworking": [
81       "~> 2.4.1"
82     ]
83   },
84   "requires_arc": true