2 "name": "TimeSelector",
4 "summary": "The Android Time Picker for iOS",
5 "description": "TimeSelector is the Android Time Picker UI Element customary fabricated for iOS in Swift. Use your finger to rotate the hand of an analog clock to select your chosen time. Get the minutes, hours, and AM/PM as separate components, or set and get a Date object directly to/from the picker.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/chrisgalz/TimeSelector",
8 "https://playr.app/images/timeSelector.jpg",
9 "https://playr.app/images/timeSelector2.jpg"
16 "Chris Galzerano": "chrisgalz@gmail.com"
21 "swift_version": "4.2",
23 "git": "https://github.com/chrisgalz/TimeSelector.git",
30 "exclude_files": "Classes/Exclude"