4 "summary": "MyImgPh is a test pod and hope work cus it is too much.",
5 "description": "MyImgPh is a test pod and hope work cus it is too much.\nMyImgPh is a test pod and hope work cus it is too much.\nMyImgPh is a test pod and hope work cus it is too much.",
6 "homepage": "http://google.com",
9 "text": " \tCopyright 2022 Ahmed Amr\n \tPermission is granted to No body.\n"
12 "Ahmed Amr": "ahmed.amr@fawry.com"
14 "swift_versions": "5.0",
19 "git": "https://github.com/ahmed-amr7/MyImgPh.git",
22 "vendored_frameworks": "MyImgPh.xcframework",
28 "swift_version": "5.0"