2 "name": "FBSDKTVOSKit",
4 "summary": "Official Facebook SDK for tvOS to access Facebook Platform with features like Login and Graph API.",
5 "description": "The Facebook SDK for tvOS Kit framework provides Facebook Login with a confirmation code\nto easily sign in users on Apple TV without using the remote.\nSee FBSDKCoreKit for additional functionality like Analytics for Apps and Graph API.",
6 "homepage": "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/tvos",
8 "type": "Facebook Platform License",
11 "authors": "Facebook",
16 "git": "https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk.git",
17 "tag": "sdk-version-4.15.0"
19 "source_files": "FBSDKTVOSKit/FBSDKTVOSKit/**/*.{h,m}",
20 "public_header_files": "FBSDKTVOSKit/FBSDKTVOSKit/*.h",
21 "header_dir": "FBSDKTVOSKit",