[Add] DoordeckSDK 0.42.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 1 / 2 / d / ShareSDK3 / 3.1.7 / ShareSDK3.podspec.json
2   "name": "ShareSDK3",
3   "version": "3.1.7",
4   "summary": "ShareSDK is the most comprehensive Social SDK in the world,which share easily with 40+ platforms.",
5   "license": "MIT",
6   "authors": {
7     "Jinghuang Liu": "liujinghuang@icloud.com"
8   },
9   "homepage": "http://www.mob.com",
10   "source": {
11     "git": "https://github.com/ShareSDKPlatform/ShareSDK.git",
12     "tag": "3.1.7"
13   },
14   "platforms": {
15     "ios": "6.0"
16   },
17   "frameworks": [
18     "UIKit",
19     "JavaScriptCore"
20   ],
21   "libraries": [
22     "icucore",
23     "z.1.2.5",
24     "stdc++"
25   ],
26   "default_subspecs": "libraries",
27   "vendored_frameworks": "libraries/ShareSDK.framework",
28   "subspecs": [
29     {
30       "name": "libraries",
31       "vendored_frameworks": [
32         "libraries/ShareSDKConnector.framework",
33         "libraries/ShareSDKExtension.framework"
34       ],
35       "libraries": [
36         "icucore",
37         "z",
38         "stdc++"
39       ],
40       "resources": "libraries/ShareSDK.bundle"
41     },
42     {
43       "name": "ShareSDKUI",
44       "vendored_frameworks": "libraries/ShareSDKUI.framework",
45       "resources": "libraries/ShareSDKUI.bundle"
46     },
47     {
48       "name": "ShareSDKPlatforms",
49       "default_subspecs": [
50         "GooglePlus",
51         "QQ",
52         "SinaWeibo",
53         "WeChat",
54         "RenRen"
55       ],
56       "subspecs": [
57         {
58           "name": "GooglePlus",
59           "vendored_frameworks": [
60             "libraries/extends/GooglePlusSDK/GoogleOpenSource.framework",
61             "libraries/extends/GooglePlusSDK/GooglePlus.framework"
62           ],
63           "resources": "libraries/extends/GooglePlusSDK/GooglePlus.bundle",
64           "frameworks": [
65             "CoreMotion",
66             "CoreLocation",
67             "MediaPlayer",
68             "AssetsLibrary",
69             "AddressBook"
70           ]
71         },
72         {
73           "name": "QQ",
74           "vendored_frameworks": "libraries/extends/QQSDK/TencentOpenAPI.framework",
75           "resources": "libraries/extends/QQSDK/TencentOpenApi_IOS_Bundle.bundle",
76           "libraries": "sqlite3"
77         },
78         {
79           "name": "SinaWeibo",
80           "vendored_libraries": "libraries/extends/SinaWeiboSDK/*.a",
81           "resources": "libraries/extends/SinaWeiboSDK/WeiboSDK.bundle",
82           "frameworks": [
83             "ImageIO",
84             "AdSupport"
85           ],
86           "libraries": "sqlite3",
87           "source_files": "libraries/extends/SinaWeiboSDK/*.{h,m}",
88           "public_header_files": "libraries/extends/SinaWeiboSDK/*.h"
89         },
90         {
91           "name": "WeChat",
92           "vendored_libraries": "libraries/extends/WeChatSDK/*.a",
93           "source_files": "libraries/extends/WeChatSDK/*.{h,m}",
94           "public_header_files": "libraries/extends/WeChatSDK/*.h",
95           "libraries": "sqlite3"
96         },
97         {
98           "name": "RenRen",
99           "vendored_frameworks": "libraries/extends/RenRenSDK/RennSDK.framework",
100           "resources": "libraries/extends/RenRenSDK/RennSDK.bundle"
101         },
102         {
103           "name": "AliPaySocial",
104           "vendored_libraries": "libraries/extends/APSocialSDK/*.a",
105           "source_files": "libraries/extends/APSocialSDK/*.{h,m}",
106           "public_header_files": "libraries/extends/APSocialSDK/*.h"
107         },
108         {
109           "name": "Kakao",
110           "vendored_frameworks": "libraries/extends/KaKaoSDK/KakaoOpenSDK.framework"
111         },
112         {
113           "name": "Yixin",
114           "vendored_libraries": "libraries/extends/YiXinSDK/*.a",
115           "source_files": "libraries/extends/YiXinSDK/*.{h,m}",
116           "public_header_files": "libraries/extends/YiXinSDK/*.h"
117         }
118       ]
119     }
120   ]