2 "name": "SPTDataLoader",
4 "summary": "SPTDataLoader is Spotify's HTTP library for Objective-C",
5 "description": "Authentication and back-off logic is a pain, let’s do it\nonce and forget about it! This is a library that allows you\nto centralise this logic and forget about the ugly parts of\nmaking HTTP requests.",
12 "homepage": "https://github.com/spotify/SPTDataLoader",
13 "license": "Apache 2.0",
15 "Will Sackfield": "sackfield@spotify.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/spotify/SPTDataLoader.git",
22 "include/SPTDataLoader/*.h",
23 "SPTDataLoader/*.{h,m}"
25 "public_header_files": "include/SPTDataLoader/*.h",
27 "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-lObjC"
29 "module_map": "include/SPTDataLoader/module.modulemap"