4 "summary": "Hashids Implementation for Objective C",
5 "description": "Hashids Implementation for Objective C\n\nWebsite: [http://www.hashids.org](http://www.hashids.org)\n\nGenerate short hashes from unsigned integers (like YouTube and Bitly).\n\n* obfuscate database IDs\n* use them as forgotten password hashes\n* invitation codes\n* store shard numbers\n\nHashids was designed for use in URL shortening, tracking stuff, validating accounts, or making pages private. Instead of showing items as `1`, `2`, or `3`, you could show them as `b9iLXiAa`, `EATedTBy`, and `Aaco9cy5`. Hashes depend on your salt value as well.\n\n",
6 "homepage": "https://hashids.github.io",
9 "Jopes Gallardo": "jofellxcite@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/jofell/Hashids.git",
20 "source_files": "Pod/Classes",