2 "name": "GeotriggerSDK",
4 "summary": "A library for using the ArcGIS Geotrigger Service with iOS.",
5 "description": "The Geotrigger SDK for iOS is a set of tools to help your app communicate with the\nGeotrigger Service and provide it with accurate location data without using any\nmore of the device's battery power than absolutely necessary.",
6 "homepage": "https://developers.arcgis.com/geotrigger-service/",
7 "authors": "Esri Portland R & D Center",
12 "git": "https://github.com/Esri/geotrigger-sdk-ios.git",
19 "documentation_url": "https://developers.arcgis.com/geotrigger-service/guide/ios-getting-started/",
24 "SystemConfiguration",
27 "vendored_frameworks": "GeotriggerSDK.framework",
28 "preserve_paths": "GeotriggerSDK.framework",