[Add] DoordeckSDK 0.42.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 3 / 6 / 0 / Crashlytics / 3.10.5 / Crashlytics.podspec.json
2   "authors": "Google",
3   "dependencies": {
4     "Fabric": [
5       "~> 1.7.9"
6     ]
7   },
8   "frameworks": [
9     "Security",
10     "SystemConfiguration"
11   ],
12   "homepage": "http://try.crashlytics.com/",
13   "libraries": [
14     "z",
15     "c++"
16   ],
17   "license": {
18     "text": "Fabric: Copyright 2018 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Fabric Software and Services Agreement located at https://fabric.io/terms. Crashlytics Kit: Copyright 2018 Crashlytics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Crashlytics Terms of Service located at http://try.crashlytics.com/terms/terms-of-service.pdf and the Crashlytics Privacy Policy located at http://try.crashlytics.com/terms/privacy-policy.pdf. OSS: http://get.fabric.io/terms/opensource.txt",
19     "type": "Commercial"
20   },
21   "name": "Crashlytics",
22   "platforms": {
23     "ios": "7.0",
24     "osx": "10.7",
25     "tvos": "9.0"
26   },
27   "preserve_paths": [
28     "submit",
29     "Crashlytics.framework/*"
30   ],
31   "source": {
32     "http": "https://kit-downloads.fabric.io/cocoapods/crashlytics/3.10.5/crashlytics.zip"
33   },
34   "summary": "Best and lightest-weight crash reporting for mobile, desktop and tvOS.",
35   "version": "3.10.5",
36   "ios": {
37     "source_files": "iOS/Crashlytics.framework/Headers/*.h",
38     "public_header_files": "iOS/Crashlytics.framework/Headers/*.h",
39     "vendored_frameworks": "iOS/Crashlytics.framework"
40   },
41   "osx": {
42     "source_files": "OSX/Crashlytics.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h",
43     "public_header_files": "OSX/Crashlytics.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h",
44     "vendored_frameworks": "OSX/Crashlytics.framework"
45   },
46   "tvos": {
47     "source_files": "tvOS/Crashlytics.framework/Headers/*.h",
48     "public_header_files": "tvOS/Crashlytics.framework/Headers/*.h",
49     "vendored_frameworks": "tvOS/Crashlytics.framework"
50   },
51   "deprecated_in_favor_of": "FirebaseCrashlytics"