2 "name": "STNotifications",
4 "summary": "Tiny library for Strongly Typed Notifications in Objective-C",
5 "description": "Strongly typed notificatinos allow your Objective-C notifications to work in a safe manner, using light generics magics and little bit of architecture tricks!\nBenefits:\n1) Strongly typed payload\n2) NSNotification name won't be messed again!\n3) Easy syntax for use\n4) Interoperable with swift!\n5) 100% Code Coverage!",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/neisip/StronglyTypedNotifications",
12 "Alexander Kazartsev": "alex.a.kazartsev@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/neisip/StronglyTypedNotifications.git",
23 "STNotifications/**/*.{h,m}"
25 "exclude_files": "Classes/Exclude"