2 "name": "react-native-esc-pos-printer-ios-sdk",
4 "authors": "Aliaksei Astafyeu <lochost40@gmail.com> (https://github.com/tr3v3r)",
9 "summary": "Epson ePOS_SDK_iOS for iOS",
10 "description": "The Epson ePOS SDK for iOS is an SDK aimed at development engineers who \nare developing iOS applications for printing on an EPSON TM printer and \nan EPSON TM Intelligent printer.\nApplications are developed using the APIs provided by Epson ePOS SDK.\nEpson ePOS SDK for Android for Android devices is also provided in \nEpson ePOS SDK.\nFor detailed information, please see Epson ePOS SDK for iOS User's Manual.",
11 "homepage": "https://download.epson-biz.com",
16 "git": "https://github.com/tr3v3r/react-native-esc-pos-printer-ios-sdk.git",
19 "source_files": "*.h",
20 "preserve_paths": "libepos2.a",
21 "libraries": "xml2.2",
22 "frameworks": "ExternalAccessory",
24 "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/react-native-esc-pos-printer-ios-sdk\""