2 "name": "MGEDateFormatter",
4 "summary": "A handy API to convert NSDate to NSString and back written in swift",
5 "description": "MGEDateFormatter provides a set of extensions to NSDate and NSDateFormatter to build a nice API which simplify the conversion from NSDate to NSString and back.\n\nCreating a `NSDateFormatter` is an expensive task. For this reason, **MGEDateFormatter** takes care of caching the created `NSDateFormatter` in order to reuse them along the lifecycle of your app.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ManueGE/MGEDateFormatter/",
8 "authors": "Manuel García-Estañ",
9 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/ManueGE",
14 "git": "https://github.com/ManueGE/MGEDateFormatter.git",
18 "frameworks": "Foundation",
19 "source_files": "MGEDateFormatter/MGEDateFormatter/*.{swift}",
20 "deprecated_in_favor_of": "November"