2 "name": "APParallaxHeader",
8 "summary": "Add a parallax header view to your table views with one row of code.",
9 "homepage": "https://github.com/apping/APParallaxHeader",
11 "Mathias Amnell": "mathias@apping.se"
14 "git": "https://github.com/apping/APParallaxHeader.git",
17 "description": "This category makes it super easy to add a parallax header view to your table views. Other alternatives relies on subclassing of UITableViewController or UITableView. Instead, APParallaxHeader uses the Objective-C runtime to add the functionality to your UIScrollView or UITableView.",
18 "frameworks": "QuartzCore",
19 "source_files": "APParallaxHeader/*.{h,m}",
20 "preserve_paths": "Demo",