2 "name": "JsonSwiftson",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/evgenyneu/JsonSwiftson",
8 "summary": "Parses JSON and maps it to Swift types.",
9 "description": " JsonSwiftson is a helper class for parsing JSON text and mapping it to Swift types.\n\n The project goals:\n\n * Map JSON text into Swift structures or classes.\n * Keep the library tiny by using Swift generics and taking advantage of type casting features of the language.\n * Expose just a single API method `map()` to handle strings, numbers, booleans and arrays of those types.\n * Support casting to optional types.\n * Check if the mapping was successful.\n * Make sure mapping is fast.\n",
11 "Evgenii Neumerzhitckii": "sausageskin@gmail.com"
14 "git": "https://github.com/evgenyneu/JsonSwiftson.git",
17 "screenshots": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evgenyneu/JsonSwiftson/master/Graphics/GithubLogo/json_swiftson_parser.png",
18 "source_files": "JsonSwiftson/JsonSwiftson.swift",