2 "name": "JTComponentKit",
4 "summary": "A modular framework for abstracting sections of UICollectionView into individual components, enabling better decoupling and reusability in iOS applications.",
5 "description": "This framework abstracts each section of a UICollectionView into distinct components, \nwith each component responsible for implementing UICollectionView delegate methods. \nThis design allows for cleaner separation of concerns by dividing the collection view into independent, \nreusable modules. By isolating the logic of each section, \nit simplifies the maintenance of complex layouts and facilitates better reuse of UI components \nacross different screens. Additionally, this approach encourages scalability \nand enhances the testability of each section individually, \nfostering a more flexible and modular UI development process.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/xhjcs/JTComponentKit.git",
12 "xinghanjie": "xinghanjie@gmail.com"
24 "git": "https://github.com/xhjcs/JTComponentKit.git",
27 "source_files": "Sources/JTComponentKit/**/*",
28 "private_header_files": [
29 "Sources/JTComponentKit/**/*_Private.h",
31 "JTComponentReusableView.h"