2 "name": "APLWKWebView",
4 "summary": "APLWKWebViewController contains a WKWebView, a Pull to Refresh control and a loading indicator",
5 "description": "APLWKWebViewController contains a WKWebView, a Pull to Refresh control and a loading indicator.\n Use it if you want to provide web view content to your users with some convenience functionality.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/apploft/APLWKWebView",
11 "authors": "Nico Schuemann",
16 "git": "https://github.com/apploft/APLWKWebView.git",
21 "APLWKWebView/**/*.{h,m}"
23 "exclude_files": "APLWKWebView/Exclude",
26 "APLPullToRefreshContainer": [