[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 3 / 8 / 4 / XsollaSDK / 0.4.0 / XsollaSDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "XsollaSDK",
3   "version": "0.4.0",
4   "summary": "The official Xsolla SDKs for iOS used to work with Xsolla products.",
5   "description": "After integrating SDKs for iOS you will be able to:\n  * authenticate users while keeping user data safe, secure, and under your ownership\n  * sell virtual goods to a worldwide audience and integrate in-app purchases (IAPs)\n  * provide users with a convenient UI to pay for in-game purchases in the game store\n  * manage player’s inventory based on cross-platform cloud storage\n  * grow and manage your community with the friend system and cross-platform player authentication.",
6   "authors": "Xsolla (USA), Inc.",
7   "homepage": "http://www.xsolla.com",
8   "license": {
9     "type": "Apache 2.0",
10     "file": "LICENSE"
11   },
12   "platforms": {
13     "ios": "11.0"
14   },
15   "swift_versions": "5.0",
16   "source": {
17     "git": "https://github.com/xsolla/commerce-ios-sdk.git",
18     "tag": "0.4.0"
19   },
20   "frameworks": "Foundation",
21   "requires_arc": true,
22   "subspecs": [
23     {
24       "name": "Utilities",
25       "dependencies": {
26         "XsollaSDKUtilities": [
27           "~> 0.4.0"
28         ]
29       }
30     },
31     {
32       "name": "LoginKit",
33       "dependencies": {
34         "XsollaSDK/Utilities": [
36         ],
37         "XsollaSDKLoginKit": [
38           "~> 0.4.0"
39         ]
40       }
41     },
42     {
43       "name": "StoreKit",
44       "dependencies": {
45         "XsollaSDK/Utilities": [
47         ],
48         "XsollaSDKStoreKit": [
49           "~> 0.4.0"
50         ]
51       }
52     },
53     {
54       "name": "InventoryKit",
55       "dependencies": {
56         "XsollaSDK/Utilities": [
58         ],
59         "XsollaSDKInventoryKit": [
60           "~> 0.4.0"
61         ]
62       }
63     },
64     {
65       "name": "PaymentsKit",
66       "dependencies": {
67         "XsollaSDK/Utilities": [
69         ],
70         "XsollaSDKPaymentsKit": [
71           "~> 0.4.0"
72         ]
73       }
74     }
75   ],
76   "swift_version": "5.0"