4 "summary": "Tor.framework is the easiest way to embed Tor in your iOS application.",
5 "description": "Tor.framework is the easiest way to embed Tor in your iOS application. Currently, the framework compiles in static versions of tor, libevent, openssl, and liblzma.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/iCepa/Tor.framework",
11 "Conrad Kramer": "conrad@conradkramer.com",
12 "Chris Ballinger": "chris@chatsecure.org",
13 "Mike Tigas": "mike@tig.as",
14 "Benjamin Erhart": "berhart@netzarchitekten.com"
17 "http": "https://github.com/iCepa/Tor.framework/releases/download/v406.8.1/Tor.framework.zip",
26 "vendored_frameworks": "Build/iOS/Tor.framework"
29 "vendored_frameworks": "Build/Mac/Tor.framework"
32 "preserve_paths": "**/*.bcsymbolmap"