4 "summary": "iOS debugger tool for iOS developer. Display logs, network request, device informations, crash logs while using the app.",
5 "description": "DeLogger is an debugger tool for iOS, with the following features:\n\n● display all app logs in different colors as you like.\n● display all app network http requests details, including third-party SDK in app.\n● display app device informations and app identity informations.\n● display app crash logs.\n● filter keywords in app logs and app network http requests.\n● app memory real-time monitoring.\n\nWelcome to star and fork. If you have any questions, welcome to open issues.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/liuxc123/DeLogger",
12 "liuxc123": "lxc_work@126.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/liuxc123/DeLogger.git",
21 "source_files": "Source/Classes/**/*",
22 "resources": "Source/Assets/**/*",
30 "pushed_with_swift_version": "4.0"