4 "summary": "UITextField Subclass which have auto completed text feature",
5 "description": "Using this library you can set your textfield class to ACTextField , which enable AutoComplete Feature in your textField.\nToday Auto Completion feature is one of most important features. So using ACTextField use can have AutoCompletion feature in your app.\nACTextField have a method 'setAutoCompleteWith', in which you have to pass Array of String type, this array is considered as data source of your AutoCompletion feature.\nACTextField have a strict mode which you can enable or disable , by default it is disabled. Using strict mode you can tell to auto capitalise first letter of text you are writing in textfield.\nIf you want to implement 'func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool' delagate method of textField then you can implement ACTextFieldDelegate\nYou can set 'suggestionTextColor' ,a property of ACTextField ,using this property you can set color of suggestion string. You can set 'suggestionTextColor' from Storyboard also.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/varkrishna/ACTextField",
12 "varkrishna": "krishan.varshney708@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/varkrishna/ACTextField.git",
18 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
19 "swift_version": "4.0"
24 "swift_version": "4.0",
25 "source_files": "ACTextField/Classes/**/*",