2 "name": "KochavaTrackeriOSGK",
4 "summary": "The KochavaTra`cker iOS SDK (+GameKit). Kochava is a leading mobile attribution and analytics platform.",
5 "description": "The KochavaTracker iOS SDK allows advertisers to integrate a single SDK to leverage the hundreds of ad network and publisher partners integrated with Kochava. This limits the number of 3rd party SDKs required to run a successful UA strategy and greatly reduces complexity during update cycles.",
6 "homepage": "http://www.kochava.com",
12 "Kochava": "support@kochava.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/Kochava/kochava-tracker-ios-gk-sdk-cocoapod.git",
21 "source_files": "KochavaTrackeriOSGK/Classes/**/*",
22 "public_header_files": "KochavaTrackeriOSGK/Classes/**/*.h",
30 "SystemConfiguration",
34 "vendored_libraries": "KochavaTrackeriOSGK/Libraries/libKochavaTrackeriOSGK.a",
35 "preserve_paths": "KochavaTrackeriOSGK/Libraries/libKochavaTrackeriOSGK.a",
36 "libraries": "KochavaTrackeriOSGK",
37 "deprecated_in_favor_of": "KochavaTrackeriOS"