2 "name": "NSDictionary+SafeGetters",
4 "summary": "Safe, informative and typed dictionary getters",
5 "description": "Safe getting typed values from the dictionary.\n- All getters checks input parameters during debug and generates exceptions\n- Return values exact type which required(depend on getter method)\n- Type casting of the value object to the required type or bounds, if available(eg. NSString <=> NSNUmber, etc.)\n- During casting checks type value bounds and sticks to it's maximum or minimum value(eg. floatForKey return FLT_MAX if value is greater etc.)",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/OlehKulykov/NSDictionary-SafeGetters",
9 "OlehKulykov": "info@resident.name"
12 "git": "https://github.com/OlehKulykov/NSDictionary-SafeGetters.git",
22 "source_files": "*.{h,mm}",
23 "public_header_files": "*.h",