4 "summary": "Navigator allows you to make segues, update data by urls. And some other useful stuff.",
5 "description": "Navigator allows you to reduce dependencies between controllers without calling them directly and make modular app, where each module is pod for example.\nList of main features:\n- Make push/pop segues by url.\n- Prevent push segue if view controller already in view controllers stack or if in next tab - depends on policy.\n- Update data on pop segue in target view controller.\n- Simple switch tabs or switch tabs with segue.\n- Call update method by url in first matching target view controller in stack. Or every matching. Or in next tabs. - depends on policy.\n- Call update by url everywhere in app.(Navigation and tab bar controllers must be registered in Navigator - or use ZNTabBarController/ZNBavigationController).\n- Prints links map of your stack.\n- And some other things.\nAll public methods documented and separated to files for fast access. Look at classes root folder.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ZordZ/ZUNavigator",
12 "MrTrent": "show6time@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/ZordZ/ZUNavigator.git",
21 "module_name": "ZUNavigator",
22 "swift_versions": "5.0",
23 "source_files": "ZUNavigator/Classes/**/*",
29 "swift_version": "5.0"