[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / a / c / DiscogsAPI / 1.4.2 / DiscogsAPI.podspec.json
2   "name": "DiscogsAPI",
3   "version": "1.4.2",
4   "summary": "An Objective-C interface for Discogs API v2.0.",
5   "description": "Features:\n- Supports OAuth process and store the token in keychain.\n               - Supports Discogs Auth.\n- Database support: Release, Master Release, Master Release Versions, Artist, Artist Releases, Label, All Label Releases, Search.\n- User support: Identify, Profile, Collection, Wantlist.\n- Image support.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/maxep/DiscogsAPI",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Maxime Epain": "maxime.epain@gmail.com"
10   },
11   "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/MaximeEpain",
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/maxep/DiscogsAPI.git",
14     "tag": "v1.4.2"
15   },
16   "documentation_url": "http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/DiscogsAPI",
17   "requires_arc": true,
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "7.1"
20   },
21   "ios": {
22     "frameworks": [
23       "CFNetwork",
24       "MobileCoreServices",
25       "SystemConfiguration"
26     ]
27   },
28   "osx": {
29     "frameworks": [
30       "CoreServices",
31       "SystemConfiguration"
32     ]
33   },
34   "source_files": "DiscogsAPI/*.{h,m}",
35   "default_subspecs": [
36     "Authentication",
37     "Database",
38     "User",
39     "Marketplace",
40     "Resource"
41   ],
42   "subspecs": [
43     {
44       "name": "Core",
45       "source_files": "DiscogsAPI/Core"
46     },
47     {
48       "name": "Authentication",
49       "source_files": "DiscogsAPI/Authentication",
50       "dependencies": {
51         "DiscogsAPI/Core": [
53         ],
54         "AFOAuth1Client": [
55           "~> 1.0.0"
56         ]
57       },
58       "prefix_header_contents": [
59         "#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>",
60         "#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>"
61       ]
62     },
63     {
64       "name": "Database",
65       "source_files": [
66         "DiscogsAPI/Database",
67         "DiscogsAPI/Database/Release",
68         "DiscogsAPI/Database/Artist",
69         "DiscogsAPI/Database/Label",
70         "DiscogsAPI/Database/Master",
71         "DiscogsAPI/Database/Search",
72         "DiscogsAPI/Database/Data",
73         "DiscogsAPI/Mapping/Database/**/*"
74       ],
75       "dependencies": {
76         "DiscogsAPI/Pagination": [
78         ]
79       }
80     },
81     {
82       "name": "User",
83       "source_files": [
84         "DiscogsAPI/User",
85         "DiscogsAPI/User/Identity",
86         "DiscogsAPI/User/Profile",
87         "DiscogsAPI/User/Collection",
88         "DiscogsAPI/User/Wantlist",
89         "DiscogsAPI/Mapping/User/**/*"
90       ],
91       "dependencies": {
92         "DiscogsAPI/Database": [
94         ]
95       }
96     },
97     {
98       "name": "Marketplace",
99       "source_files": [
100         "DiscogsAPI/Marketplace",
101         "DiscogsAPI/Marketplace/Price",
102         "DiscogsAPI/Mapping/Marketplace/**/*"
103       ],
104       "dependencies": {
105         "DiscogsAPI/Pagination": [
107         ]
108       }
109     },
110     {
111       "name": "Pagination",
112       "source_files": [
113         "DiscogsAPI/Pagination",
114         "DiscogsAPI/Mapping/Pagination"
115       ],
116       "dependencies": {
117         "DiscogsAPI/Configuration": [
119         ]
120       }
121     },
122     {
123       "name": "Resource",
124       "source_files": "DiscogsAPI/Resource",
125       "dependencies": {
126         "DiscogsAPI/Configuration": [
128         ]
129       }
130     },
131     {
132       "name": "Configuration",
133       "source_files": "DiscogsAPI/Configuration",
134       "dependencies": {
135         "DiscogsAPI/Core": [
137         ],
138         "RestKit/ObjectMapping": [
139           "~> 0.26.0"
140         ],
141         "RestKit/Network": [
142           "~> 0.26.0"
143         ]
144       },
145       "prefix_header_contents": [
146         "#import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>",
147         "#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>",
148         "#import <Security/Security.h>",
149         "#import <RestKit/RestKit.h>"
150       ]
151     }
152   ]