2 "name": "DirectoryWatchdog",
4 "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
5 "summary": "A simple utility class to monitor real time changes in a directory, such as the documents dir for an app with File Sharing enabled.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/graetzer/DirectoryWatchdog",
8 "Simon Grätzer": "simon@graetzer.org"
11 "git": "https://github.com/graetzer/DirectoryWatchdog.git",
14 "description": "DirectoryWatchdog is a simple utility tool to monitor real time changes in local folders. Most common use is the monitoring of an applications documents directory in combination with iTunes file sharing support. This code uses the BSD kqueue API and should work on OSX as well as iOS.",
15 "source_files": "SGDirWatchdog.{h,m}",