[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / 5 / e / CammentSDK / 2.1.0 / CammentSDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "CammentSDK",
3   "version": "2.1.0",
4   "summary": "iOS SDK for camment.tv",
5   "authors": {
6     "Alexander Fedosov": "alex@camment.tv"
7   },
8   "homepage": "https://github.com/camment/sdk-ios.git",
9   "description": "Camment is disrupting the second screen experience, replacing it with a patent pending first screen technology.\nOur technology is a simple SDK that allows broadcasters, and anyone with video, whether its streaming or clips, to add a social layer to their streams.",
10   "source": {
11     "git": "https://github.com/camment/sdk-ios.git",
12     "tag": "2.0.0"
13   },
14   "platforms": {
15     "ios": "8.1"
16   },
17   "ios": {
18     "vendored_frameworks": "ios/CammentSDK.framework"
19   },
20   "libraries": [
21     "sqlite3",
22     "z"
23   ],
24   "frameworks": [
25     "Foundation",
26     "SystemConfiguration",
27     "MobileCoreServices",
28     "QuartzCore",
29     "Accelerate",
30     "CoreData",
31     "AVFoundation",
32     "UIKit",
33     "ImageIO",
34     "VideoToolbox",
35     "MessageUI",
36     "AssetsLibrary",
37     "CoreImage",
38     "CoreGraphics",
39     "CoreText"
40   ],
41   "dependencies": {
42     "AMPopTip": [
43       "~> 1.5"
44     ],
45     "Texture": [
46       "~> 2.5"
47     ],
48     "FLAnimatedImage": [
49       "~> 1.0"
50     ],
51     "AWSCognito": [
52       "~> 2.6"
53     ],
54     "AWSCognitoIdentityProvider": [
55       "~> 2.6"
56     ],
57     "AWSIoT": [
58       "~> 2.6"
59     ],
60     "AWSMobileAnalytics": [
61       "~> 2.6"
62     ],
63     "AWSS3": [
64       "~> 2.6"
65     ],
66     "AWSAPIGateway": [
67       "~> 2.6"
68     ],
69     "ReactiveObjC": [
70       "~> 3.1"
71     ],
72     "pop": [
73       "~> 1.0"
74     ],
75     "MBProgressHUD": [
76       "~> 1.1"
77     ],
78     "Tweaks": [
79       "~> 2.2"
80     ],
81     "DateTools": [
82       "~> 2.0"
83     ],
84     "CocoaLumberjack": [
85       "~> 3.4"
86     ],
87     "GVUserDefaults": [
88       "~> 1.0"
89     ],
90     "TLIndexPathTools": [
91       "~> 0.4"
92     ],
93     "Mixpanel": [
94       "~> 3.2"
95     ],
96     "TCBlobDownload": [
97       "~> 2.1"
98     ],
99     "FBSDKCoreKit": [
100       "~> 4.29"
101     ],
102     "FBSDKLoginKit": [
103       "~> 4.29"
104     ],
105     "TBStateMachine": [
106       "6.7.2"
107     ]
108   }