2 "name": "BCLKeyValueObservation",
4 "summary": "BCLKeyValueObservation is a thin abstraction on top of Apple's KVO system.",
5 "description": "BCLKeyValueObservation is a thin abstraction on top of Apple's KVO system. The goals of BCLKeyValueObservation are:\n- Less boiler plate code (good bye observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:)\n- Improve clarity of functionality (imperiative method names)\n- **Not** an excuse to have fun with the runtime\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/benedictc/BCLKeyValueObservation",
9 "Benedict Cohen": "ben@benedictcohen.co.uk"
12 "git": "https://github.com/benedictc/BCLKeyValueObservation.git",
20 "BCLKeyValueObservation",
21 "BCLKeyValueObservation/**/*.{h,m}"