[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / b / 1 / c / Lookback / 2.2.1 / Lookback.podspec.json
2   "name": "Lookback",
3   "version": "2.2.1",
4   "summary": "UX research tool: Records screen, camera, touches onto lookback.io. NOTE: This pod is AppStore safe and replaces the 'LookbackSafe' pod.",
5   "description": "Lookback is a tool and library for user experience research\nthat you can integrate into your app. Lookback records the\niOS screen, the front-facing camera, microphone, metadata,\ntouches and active views, and uploads it all in\nnear-realtime to lookback.io where you can study and dive\ninto the data. Example use cases:\n\n* Remote research. Invite testers to test your app with just a\n  Participate link, and no additional setp.\n* User testing sessions. Instead of mounting web cams in your\n  testing lab to record both the screen and your tester's\n  reactions, let Lookback do the hard work for you.\n* Long-term usability study. Let a user record a week of\n  using your app, and study trends, reactions and recurring\n  problems.\n\nHead over to [the SDK guide on our website](https://lookback.io/learn/ios-sdk/get-started#setup-lookback) to get started!\n\nNOTE: There used to be separate \"Lookback\" and \"LookbackSafe\" pods. This pod replaces both, and is\nAppStore safe. Lookback HD is no more.",
6   "homepage": "http://lookback.io/",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "Commercial",
9     "file": "lookback/LICENSE.md"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Nevyn Bengtsson": "nevyn@lookback.io",
13     "Brian Gerstle": "bgerstle@lookback.io",
14     "Pete Nelson": "pete@lookback.io"
15   },
16   "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/lookback",
17   "source": {
18     "http": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/lookback-public/sdk/lookback-sdk-"
19   },
20   "documentation_url": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/lookback-public/docs/ios/",
21   "platforms": {
22     "ios": "8.0"
23   },
24   "xcconfig": {
25     "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/Lookback/Lookback/\"",
26     "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "$(inherited) -ObjC"
27   },
28   "subspecs": [
29     {
30       "name": "SelfTest",
31       "dependencies": {
32         "PDKTZipArchive": [
34         ]
35       },
36       "source_files": "lookback/Lookback.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h",
37       "resources": "lookback/Lookback-Resources/Lookback.bundle",
38       "preserve_paths": [
39         "lookback/LICENSE.md",
40         "lookback/Lookback.framework"
41       ],
42       "frameworks": [
43         "Accelerate",
44         "AVFoundation",
45         "AudioToolbox",
46         "VideoToolbox",
47         "CoreVideo",
48         "CoreMedia",
49         "SystemConfiguration",
50         "MediaPlayer",
51         "MessageUI",
52         "MobileCoreServices",
53         "ImageIO",
54         "QuartzCore",
55         "Lookback"
56       ]
57     },
58     {
59       "name": "Live",
60       "dependencies": {
61         "LookbackWebRTC": [
62           "12816.2.8"
63         ],
64         "SocketRocket": [
65           "~> 0.5.1"
66         ],
67         "Lookback/SelfTest": [
69         ]
70       },
71       "preserve_paths": [
72         "lookback/LICENSE.md",
73         "lookback/LookbackLive.framework"
74       ],
75       "frameworks": [
76         "LookbackLive"
77       ]
78     }
79   ]