2 "name": "ACPPlacesMonitor",
4 "summary": "Places monitor for Adobe Experience Cloud SDK. Written and maintained by Adobe.",
5 "description": "The Places monitor provides native geolocation functionality, enabling use of the Places product in the V5 Adobe Experience Cloud SDK.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/adobe/ACPPlacesMonitor",
7 "license": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
8 "authors": "Adobe Experience Platform SDK Team",
10 "git": "https://github.com/adobe/ACPPlacesMonitor.git",
11 "tag": "v2.1.1-ACPPlacesMonitor"
17 "default_subspecs": "iOS",
18 "static_framework": true,
31 "public_header_files": "ACPPlacesMonitor/ACPPlacesMonitor.h",
32 "source_files": "ACPPlacesMonitor/*.{h,m}",
33 "frameworks": "CoreLocation"