2 "name": "AGConnectStorage",
3 "version": "",
4 "summary": "AppGallery Connect Cloud Storage allows you to store high volumes of data",
5 "description": "AppGallery Connect Cloud Storage allows you to store high volumes of data such as images, audio, videos, and other user-generated content securely and economically. This scalable and maintenance-free service can free you from development, deployment, O&M, and capacity expansion of storage servers, so you can focus on service capability building and operations with better user experience.",
6 "homepage": "https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/development/AppGallery-connect-Guides/agc-get-started-ios",
11 "authors": "Huawei AppGallery",
16 "http": "https://contentcenter-vali-drcn.dbankcdn.cn/pvt_2/DeveloperAlliance_package_901_9/53/v3/cJJzepOZQOuNAad7hd2dYg/agciossdk-agconnectstorage-tool-"
18 "vendored_frameworks": "AGConnectStorage.xcframework",
20 "AGConnectCredential": [