2 "name": "HyperSnapSDK",
4 "static_framework": true,
5 "summary": "HyperVerge's iOS Framework for capturing documents and faces to be used with our AI Engines",
6 "description": "HyperSnapSDK is HyperVerge’s documents + face capture framework that captures images at a resolution appropriate for our proprietary Deep Learning OCR and Face Recognition Engines.The framework provides a liveness feature that uses our advanced AI Engines to tell if a captured image is that of a real person or a photograph.",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/hyperverge/capture-ios-sdk",
8 "authors": "HyperVerge",
17 "git": "https://github.com/hyperverge/capture-ios-sdk.git",
21 "vendored_frameworks": "HyperSnapSDK.xcframework",
22 "resources": "HVResources.bundle"
24 "swift_versions": "5.0",
36 "swift_version": "5.0"