[Add] RegulaCommonStage 7.5.928
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 6 / d / c / FLEX-DebugView / / FLEX-DebugView.podspec.json
2   "name": "FLEX-DebugView",
3   "version": "",
4   "summary": "A set of in-app debugging and exploration tools for iOS",
5   "description": "- Inspect and modify views in the hierarchy.\n- View Detailed network request history.\n- See the properties and ivars on any object.\n- Dynamically modify many properties and ivars.\n- Dynamically call instance and class methods.\n- Access any live object via a scan of the heap.\n- See system log messages (i.e. from `NSLog()`).\n- View the file system within your app's sandbox.\n- Explore all classes in your app and linked systems frameworks (public and private).\n- Quickly access useful objects such as `[UIApplication sharedApplication]`, the app delegate, the root view controller on the key window, and more.\n- Dynamically view and modify `NSUserDefaults` values.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/ZuhanLin/FLEX",
7   "screenshots": [
8     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/basic-view-exploration.gif",
9     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/advanced-view-editing.gif",
10     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/heap-browser.gif",
11     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/file-browser.gif",
12     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/nsuserdefaults-editor.gif",
13     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/system-libraries-browser.gif",
14     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/flex-readme-reverse-1.png",
15     "http://engineering.flipboard.com/assets/flex/flex-readme-reverse-2.png"
16   ],
17   "license": {
18     "type": "BSD",
19     "file": "LICENSE"
20   },
21   "authors": {
22     "Zuhan Lin": "767678362@qq.com"
23   },
24   "social_media_url": "https://github.com/ZuhanLin/FLEX",
25   "platforms": {
26     "ios": "9.0"
27   },
28   "module_name": "FLEX",
29   "source": {
30     "git": "https://github.com/ZuhanLin/FLEX.git",
31     "tag": ""
32   },
33   "source_files": "Classes/**/*.{h,m,mm}",
34   "frameworks": [
35     "Foundation",
36     "UIKit",
37     "CoreGraphics",
38     "ImageIO",
39     "QuartzCore",
40     "WebKit",
41     "Security"
42   ],
43   "libraries": [
44     "z",
45     "sqlite3"
46   ],
47   "resources": "Classes/Resources/*",
48   "requires_arc": true,
49   "public_header_files": [
50     "Classes/**/FLEXManager.h",
51     "Classes/FLEX.h"
52   ],
53   "dependencies": {
54     "HttpServerDebug-FakeLatest": [
56     ]
57   }