2 "name": "DVATableViewDatasource",
4 "summary": "A simplified datasource for UITableView.",
5 "description": "This is a simplified datasource for UITableView, which avoids most of the datasource code to remain in the View/ViewController code.\n This code allows to:\n\n* Create simple tableViews with one cell type, one section.\n* Create more complex tableView with different sections, cell types, configurations, etc.\n* Add simple header/footer per section.\n* Also register cell NIBs at the tableView.\n* Add animation to modifications at the tableView\n\n New 1.2.3\n ---------\n* Fixes noDataView\n\n New 1.3.0\n ---------\n* Added a new NSDictionary+DVATableViewModelProtocol category that lets you implement the full viewModel as a plain NSDictionary by providing a \"dva_cellIdentifier\" key.\n* Added categories to let you initialize a tableView from an NSArray or NSDictionary plist.\n\n New 1.3.1\n ---------\n * Updated MagicalRecord to 2.3.\n\n New 1.4.0\n ---------\n * Added editable table view\n\n New 1.5.0\n ---------\n * Moved pods as subpods\n\n New 1.5.1\n ---------\n * Fixes when passing no cells to de datasource array\n\n New 1.5.2\n ---------\n * Fixed public headers.\n New 2.0.0\n ---------\n * Removed arrayDataSource\n * Fixed empty array should show noData view.\n New 2.0.2\n ---------\n * Fixed dependency and background",
6 "homepage": "http://www.develapps.es",
9 "Rafa Barberá": "rafa@develapps.es",
10 "Pablo Romeu": "pablo.romeu@develapps.es"
13 "git": "https://github.com/develapps/DVATableViewDatasource.git",
16 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/rbarbera",
23 "frameworks": "UIKit",
24 "public_header_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*.h",
25 "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*.{h,m}"