2 "name": "AccuraFaceMatchSDK",
4 "summary": "Recognize, compare and verify faces. Be certain that two images are of the same person.",
5 "description": "Accura Face Match is used for Matching 2 Faces. Source and Target. It matches the User Image from a Selfie vs User Image in document.",
6 "homepage": "https://accurascan.com",
9 "AccuraScan": "connect@accurascan.com"
14 "static_framework": true,
16 "git": "https://technozer01@github.com/accurascan/iOS-FaceMatch-SDK.git",
19 "preserve_paths": "FaceMatchSDK.framework",
20 "vendored_frameworks": "FaceMatchSDK.framework",
22 "swift_versions": "4.0",
23 "exclude_files": "AccuraFaceMatchSDK/*/.{plist,png}",
40 "IQKeyboardManagerSwift": [
44 "swift_version": "4.0"