3 "version": "",
4 "summary": "Use the iOS SDK to develop applications for the Apple iPhone or iPad that use the Mobile Cloud Services.",
5 "homepage": "https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/",
6 "description": " The Mobile Cloud Services SDK for iOS integrates with \n the IBM Bluemix Mobile Cloud Services. The SDK has a modular design, \n so you can add add services that are required by your \n application as needed. \n",
9 "IBM Bluemix Mobile Cloud SDK": "mobilsdk@us.ibm.com"
11 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/IBMBlueMix",
15 "requires_arc": false,
17 "git": "https://hub.jazz.net/git/bluemixmobilesdk/ibmlocation-ios.git",
18 "tag": "",
21 "source_files": "IBMLocation.framework/Versions/A/**/*.h",
22 "preserve_paths": "IBMLocation.framework",
23 "frameworks": "IBMLocation",