2 "name": "SwiftLocationController",
4 "summary": "SwiftLocationController is an easy to use location manager for iOS apps which you can setup with 3 steps and start getting users location.",
5 "description": "SwiftLocationController is an easy to use location manager for iOS apps which you can setup with 3 steps and start getting users location.\nJust add pod 'SwiftLocationController' to your pods file and update your pods and you are good to go.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/omergulzar2/SwiftLocationController",
12 "omergulzar2": "omer.gulzar@gmail.com"
17 "swift_version": "4.2",
19 "git": "https://github.com/omergulzar2/SwiftLocationController.git",
23 "SwiftLocationController",
24 "SwiftLocationController/**/*.{h,m,swift}"