2 "name": "RSViewControllerAlertView",
4 "summary": "Easily design complex custom AlertView in ios.",
5 "description": "Seameless designing using interface builder and integrate with RSViewControllerAlert will give you fully custom alert view, with lots of built in animation. It also provide a finer way to integrate your custom animation in it.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ratulSharker/RSViewControllerAlertView.git",
12 "Ratul Sharker": "sharker.ratul.08@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/ratulSharker/RSViewControllerAlertView.git",
17 "tag": "releaseV0.1.6"
23 "RSViewControllerAlertView/Classes/**/*.m",
24 "RSViewControllerAlertView/Classes/**/*.h"
26 "public_header_files": "RSViewControllerAlertView/Classes/**/*.h",