2 "name": "MVSelectorScrollView",
4 "summary": "Simple scrollable horizontal control, alternative to UISegmentedControl",
5 "description": " This project includes a simple Cocoa control that can be used as an alternative for the standard UISegmentedControl provided by UIKit.\n\n The control is made by a simple UIScrollView that can be scrolled horizontally to select amongst a set of NSString values.\n\n The advantage over a traditional UISegmentedControl is that with MVSelectorScrollView it's easy to select up to a dozen of values.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/bizz84/MVSelectorScrollView",
12 "Andrea Bizzotto": "bizz84@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/bizz84/MVSelectorScrollView.git",
22 "MVSelectorScrollView",
23 "MVSelectorScrollView/**/*.{h,m}"
26 "MVSelectorScrollView/*.png",
27 "MVSelectorScrollView/*.xib"
35 "https://github.com/bizz84/MVSelectorScrollView/raw/master/preview.png"