2 "name": "ReactiveCocoa",
4 "summary": "A framework for composing and transforming sequences of values.",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa",
7 "Josh Abernathy": "josh@github.com"
10 "git": "https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.git",
11 "commit": "46a1ca24ca711f0140d999a069044e0fc057975c"
13 "license": "Simplified BSD License",
14 "description": "ReactiveCocoa offers:\n1. The ability to compose operations on future data.\n2. An approach to minimizing state and mutability.\n3. A declarative way to define behaviors and the relationships between properties.\n4. A unified, high-level interface for asynchronous operations.\n5. A lovely API on top of KVO.\n",
15 "source_files": "ReactiveCocoaFramework/ReactiveCocoa/*.{h,m}",
17 "exclude_files": "**/*{NSButton,AppKit}*"
20 "exclude_files": "**/*{UIControl,UITextField}*"
22 "compiler_flags": "-DOS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC=0",