2 "name": "OTPSecureInputView",
4 "summary": "OTP SecureInputView is a simple, Fully customisable OTP code verification view in Swift.",
5 "description": "'OTP-SecureInputView is a fork of OTPInputView by abhishek-001, an awesome pod aimed to make your life easier when dealing with OTP Verification i.e Very common feature in Apps nowadays.'",
6 "homepage": "https://gitlab.identity.tm/public-mobile/ios/OTPInputView",
12 "epereira": "epereira@ibes.ag"
15 "git": "https://gitlab.identity.tm/public-mobile/ios/OTPInputView.git",
24 "source_files": "OTPSecureInputView/Classes/*.swift",
26 "OTPSecureInputView": [
30 "frameworks": "UIKit",
31 "swift_versions": "5.0",
32 "swift_version": "5.0"