2 "name": "VerifyStoreReceipt",
4 "summary": "This validator parses and validates the payload and the PKCS7 container itself.",
5 "description": "This validator parses and validates the payload and the PKCS7 container itself.\n\nThanks to Matthew Stevens for coming up with the parser code. Thanks to Dave Carlton for polishing it a bit. Thanks to Fraser Hess for more polish and correcting my non-native English. Thanks to anlumo for the certificate checking code. Thanks to Alessandro Segala for the In-App purchasing code.\n\nMissing from this project:\n\nApple's root certificate. This may be obtained from http://www.apple.com/certificateauthority/\nAny measures to make your app cracker proof.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/maciekish/VerifyStoreReceiptiOS",
9 "Maciej Swic (Only Pod)": "maciej@swic.name"
12 "git": "https://github.com/maciekish/VerifyStoreReceipt.git",
19 "source_files": "Pod/Classes",
20 "public_header_files": "Pod/Classes/*.h",
26 "OpenSSL-Universal": [