2 "name": "html5tokenizer",
4 "summary": "HTML5 compliant tokenizer in pure swift.",
5 "description": "HTML5 compliant tokenizer in pure swift. Only UTF-8 charset is supported.\n\nUnsupported:\n-> DOCTYPE is parsed as bogus comment\n-> Script and raw text (style tags) are not supported (wrap them in <![CDATA[ ]]> to use them)\n-> Tree generation phase is not implemented (no javascript execution)\n-> Compound named character entities are missing",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/anfema/HTML5Tokenizer",
12 "Johannes Schriewer": "j.schriewer@anfe.ma"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/dunkelstern",
20 "git": "https://github.com/anfema/HTML5Tokenizer.git",
23 "source_files": "html5tokenizer/*.swift"