2 "name": "TiltedTabView",
4 "summary": "This library aims to replicate the tab switcher in Safari on iOS. It handles both compact width (tilted) and regular width (grid) layouts.",
5 "description": "TiltedTabView 1.0.0 - This library aims to replicate the tab switcher in Safari on iOS. It handles both compact width (tilted) and regular width (grid) layouts.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/IMcD23/TiltedTabView",
8 "https://github.com/IMcD23/TiltedTabView/raw/master/Resources/Screenshot.png",
9 "https://github.com/IMcD23/TiltedTabView/raw/master/Resources/Screenshot_iPad.png"
16 "Ian McDowell": "me@ianmcdowell.net"
18 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/ian_mcdowell",
23 "git": "https://github.com/IMcD23/TiltedTabView.git",
26 "source_files": "Sources/**/*.swift",
28 "swift_version": "4.0"